Academic Support
- Peer Tutoring: Students who are interested in being a Peer Tutor should contact Ms. Walton in Guidance. Student who would like to be tutored are asked to complete and submit a Peer Tutor Request form (via Edsby to their Guidance Teacher or paper copy to the Guidance office).
- Literacy Clinic: Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30PM in room 111. These extra practice sessions will focus on areas such as reading comprehension strategies, effectively responding to writing prompts, grammar lessons, organization of ideas and paragraph and opinion-piece writing. These sessions will be beneficial to anyone looking for some extra reading and writing practice and students writing the OSSLT test this year. Please contact Ms. Walton/Mr. McLaughlin for more information.
Science Clinic runs every Wednesday from 3:45pm to 4:30 pm in room 265.
All science students are encouraged to attend regularly for help with specific difficulties, an opportunity to make up missed labs (by appointment only), or to work on assignments, lab reports and daily homework in a relaxed setting. Several science teachers are on hand each week to assist.
- TVO Mathify - Online Math Homework Help
Free 1:1 Grade 4-12 math tutoring with Ontario Certified Teachers!
Build your math skills and confidence with a personalized math coach. To support learning at home, tutors are available online Monday-Friday 9am to 9pm and Saturday-Sunday 3pm to 9pm.
Athletic Teams
Please visit Physical Education and Health for a list of Interschool Athletic Teams.
Clubs, Faith & Leadership
*If you are interested in joining one of the above groups that has an asterisk(*), please see Chaplain Ms. Bosetti and/or complete this form. These groups are branches of the Retreat Leadership community.
Fine Arts
Throughout the school year, St. Mary students showcase their talents in a variety of concerts, festivals and showcases.
- Dance Showcases & Dance Pack: Are you interested in auditioning for the Dance Team? Please contact Ms. Dumpit for more information.
- Instrumental Music Concerts
- Media Arts Film Fest
- Musical Theatre Production
- Sears Drama Festival
- St. Mary Singers: Do you enjoy singing? If so, why not join the St. Mary Singers! All are welcome. Rehearsals are held every Monday, after school from 3:30-4:30. Sign up sheet is located outside room 167. Contact Ms. Dumpit for more information.
- Visual and Photographic Arts Exhibits
- Vocal Concerts