
We are pleased to welcome you to the Guidance and Career Education webpage. We sincerely hope that this page acts as an informative guide for both students and their families as they navigate their way through the high school experience and beyond.

Guidance is responsible for providing a caring, compassionate environment that is inviting to all who enter. As a Guidance Counsellor/Educator, our role has been organized into three distinct areas: student development, interpersonal development, and career development as it relates to pathway planning. Our Counsellors are equipped to provide on-going academic, social/emotional, and pathway planning supports to the students of St. Mary.

We wish our students years of success here at St. Mary, and encourage them to take an active role as vibrant, positive members in this community and as life-long learners.

Many Blessings,
Mrs. Stanesic 

Meet our team

Our Guidance team is here to help you navigate your pathways. Our office is open:
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Phone: 905-420-7166
Fax: 905-420-8205

Guidance Staff
Name Title Supporting students with last names beginning with letter Extension
Mrs. D. Stanesic Curriculum Chair/Guidance Teacher Q - Z x 56023
Ms. M. Cayford Guidance Teacher A - Gi x 56021
Mr. M. Dion Guidance Teacher ELL/ESL students x56022
Ms. S. Walton Guidance Teacher Gl - J x 56024
Mrs. M. Wilson-Clark Guidance Teacher K - P  x 56026
Mr. S. MacDonald Student Success Teacher A - Z x 56036
Mrs. L. Sciascia Senior Administrative Assistant, Guidance   x 56020
Mrs. J. Dehaney Intermediate Guidance Teacher   x 42081


We ask that students consider contacting their Guidance Teacher via Edsby to arrange appointments 

Students must make lunchtime appointments to see their Guidance Teacher either before school, after school, or during their lunch. Students should not be losing class time to come into Guidance unless it has pre-arranged or the student has been called down by Guidance with his/her teacher's permission. Any extenuating circumstances will be addressed in a timely manner, on a needs basis. 

We welcome you to speak to a guidance counsellor regarding any questions you have about navigating your way through your high school experience and beyond. Making an appointment is easy. 

  1. Come in to Guidance before school begins, on your spare (Grade 12 students only), or on your lunch.
  2. Let the Guidance Administrative Assistant know that you would like to speak with your Guidance Teacher.
  3. Tell her either your last name or the name of your counsellor.

Things to remember...

  • Appointments are 10 minutes in length;
  • Only students on a spare can book an appointment during their spare. No student should book appointments during class time;
  • Any additional time with Guidance Teacher can be determined between the teacher and student; and
  • All parents should notify their child's Guidance Teacher to book either an appointment by phone or in person.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and for helping us keep the office running smoothly so that we can continue to do the things we do for you!

We welcome students of all faiths at our Durham Catholic secondary schools. 

Registration for Grade 8 students currently attending our family of schools (Father Fenelon, St. Elizabeth Seton, St. Isaac Jogues, St. Joseph-Uxbridge, St. Monica, or St. Wilfrid) is processed by St. Mary Guidance Counsellors in the elementary school classroom. Incoming Grade 8 students may want to visit our Transitioning to High School/Head Start page for a variety of information specific to Grade 9. 

ALL PROSPECTIVE St. Mary students with a Pickering/Uxbridge home address MUST complete a Pre-Admission Package (excluding students from our Associate Elementary Schools who live within the St. Mary boundary). Print the Pre-Admission Package, complete and submit to Guidance with ALL required documentation. No appointment is necessary to submit the documents. Please note this package is required prior to scheduling course selection. The registration process is ongoing throughout the year, but for September 2025 enrollment, please submit applications by February 14th, 2025 to allow for spring registration meetings with Guidance Counsellors.

ANY PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS who are NEW to our Board MUST complete the DCDSB Online Student Application IN ADDITION to the Pre-Admission package. Please submit the Pre-Admission Package as soon as possible once you have submitted the online application. French Immersion students should select "ENGLISH" option in the online system; the appropriate French program will be adjusted by Guidance Counsellors during the course selection and registration appointments.

Any student who DOES NOT live at a Pickering/Uxbridge address must contact the Guidance Office for further instruction.

Once the application has been approved by Administration, Guidance will contact you to schedule the course selection appointment.  

Please call Guidance Administrative Assistant Mrs. Sciascia (x56020) for further details. 

To request an official transcript, please request via School Cash Online: Transcripts. Then email our Guidance Administrative Assistant or call 905-420-7166 x56020. Indicate your full name, date of birth, year you graduated from St. Mary, and contact phone number. **Please note we do not send transcripts to 3rd party recipients.** 
If you will not be the person picking up the transcript, please advise who will be doing so on your behalf. Please allow 3 business days for processing.

Course requests changes deadline - first 5 days of semester

Course level changes deadline - first 3 weeks of semester

  • Tuesday September 7, 2024: First day of Semester 1 classes
    • Tuesday September 10, 2024: Deadline for Semester 1 elective course change requests (Grades 11 - 12 only)
    • Tuesday September 24, 2024: Deadline for Semester 1 course level change requests
  • Wednesday January 29, 2025: First day of Semester 2 classes
    • Wednesday February 5, 2025: Deadline for Semester 2 elective course change requests (Grades 11 - 12 only)
    • Wednesday February 19, 2025: Deadline for Semester 2 course level change requests

Students may pick up a "Timetable Request Change" form from Guidance or request via Edsby from their Guidance Teacher, complete the form, and submit into Guidance as soon as possible. Students must be aware of the following:

  • All forms must be complete, with appropriate criteria identified and parent/guardian signature included. Forms that do not meet the criteria will not be considered.
  • Changes to electives will only be considered for grade 11 and 12 students interested in a pathway change.
  • Timetable changes will be considered in priority sequence starting with grade 12 students.
  • Students will be called down to Guidance to either receive their new timetable or discuss any concerns. Please listen carefully for your name throughout the day, especially over the lunches!
  • Students in grade 12 may drop a course at any time in the semester up until the first day of academic moratorium each semester. Students will incur full disclosure on their official transcript if course is dropped 5 school days after the midterm report is issued.
  • Students who have attended summer school must ensure timetable reflects the updated information.
  • Requests for specific teachers, spare periods or lunches are not considered.

Important dates (2024-2025)

Below are key dates that you should be aware of:

  • Head Start (Introduction to Grade 9 Program): Monday August 19 to Thursday August 22
  • Study and Go Abroad Fair: Sunday October 20 (1 - 5pm)
  • Ontario University Fair: Saturday October 5 & Sunday October 6 (10am - 5pm)
  • St. Mary Post-Secondary Information Fair: Thursday October 10 (6:30 - 9 pm)
  • Semester 1 Parent-Teacher Conferences: Thursday October 17th (6 - 8:30pm)
  • Ontario College Information Fair: Wednesday October 16 (5 - 9pm) & Thursday October 17 (9am - 2pm)
  • Maclean's Student Life Expo: Sunday October 27 (12 - 5pm)
  • DCDSB Student Services - Community Resources Symposium and Fair
  • Take Our Kids to Work Day: Wednesday November 6
  • Grade 12 University Application Workshops: Monday November 4
  • Grade 12 College Application Workshops: Thursday November 7
  • Grade 12 Apprenticeship Workshop: Thursday November 7
  • Grade 8 Student & Parent Information Evening: January 
  • Go Global Expo
  • Course Selection due: February
  • Semester 2 Parent-Teacher Conferences: March (6 - 8:30pm)
  • US Expo: Saturday April 21 (10am - 2pm)
  • Grade 11 Post-Secondary Pathways Session: May

Stay informed

We encourage you to subscribe to this page, in order to receive the latest updates and information regarding important dates and deadlines for applications. Students and parents are strongly encourage to join "Guidance News" on Edsby for regular updates on a variety of topics such as community service and employment opportunities, alternative and continuing education (e.g. night and summer school, reach ahead programs).