Retreat Leaders

In partnership with post-secondary educational institutions and not for profit organizations (SharelifeDevelopment and PeaceCanadian food for ChildrenCanadian Jesuits International), our mission is to create a caring, inclusive, compassionate and just community both locally and globally where everyone is valued as a child of God. All of our initiatives are rooted in this vision of the Kingdom of God as revealed by Jesus Christ. With this in mind students who join this program are empowered with resources and leadership opportunities to continue the work of Jesus. Our year-long retreat leadership program involves hands-on training and opportunities to practice both inherent and newfound abilities.

Retreat Leaders make their presence known in the school community through a grass roots initiative known as "The Alliance For Compassion." Started by students, this alliance helps retreat leaders to hone in on a specific social injustice issue that needs to be addressed. Fuelled by their passion to make this world a better place, retreat leaders with common interests regularly meet to seek approaches and solutions to these global and local issues.

Are you interested in being a Retreat Leader? Complete an application, and submit to Ms. Bosetti or Ms. Minardi. Teacher references and an interview are part of the selection process.

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Retreat Leaders 2022-2023 


Want to be a Retreat Leader?

If you are interested in becoming a Retreat Leader, you must fill out an application and undergo an interview. Teacher references are also required. Application for the 2023-2024 school year were due to Ms. Bosetti/Ms. Minardi by March 2023. 

How to become a Retreat Leader 2

Want to get involved in an extra-curricular group?

All students are welcome to join any one of our extracurricular groups dedicated to making the St. Mary community and the world a more compassionate place to live!  Please watch this video to learn more about the various groups that all students are welcome to participate in this year (2022-2023):

  • Alliance for Compassion: Student-led "Gender-Sexuality Alliance" initiative group that aims to tackle and help spread awareness on 2SLGBTQI+ issues (@stmarysalliance)
  • Asian Canadian Alliance: recognizing and celebrating the diversity of the Asian Canadian community (@stmarysaca)
  • Best Buddies: working towards serving those who live with disabilities as well as raising awareness for different disabilities (@stmarybestbuddies)
  • Domestic Outreach: serves the needs of the immediate community (food drives, mission room) (@stmarydomestic)
  • Eco: environmental initiatives (@stmaryecoteam)
  • Empower: examining the power of feminism and intersectionality in modern society (@empowerstmary)
  • International Outreach: raising awareness and funds for international causes and communities (@stmaryinternational)
  • Safe and Caring Schools: mental wellness and anti-bullying issues (@stmarysafeandcaring)
  • Students 4 Action: educates the community about the concerns of the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people of Canada (@stmarys4a)
  • Unity/Black History Committee: addresses all forms of discrimination especially anti-Black racism (@unitystmary)
If you are interested in joining one of the above groups, please complete this form and/or speak to Ms. Bosetti (Chaplain's Office). 

 Retreat Leader Initiatives logos

Retreat Leadership Courses

GPP3O2: Leadership and Peer Support (Retreat Leadership Option) 

GPP3O2 prepares students to act in leadership and peer support roles. Students will design and implement plans for contributing to their school and community (both immediate and global); develop skills in communication, interpersonal relations, teamwork, and peer support roles - for example, as a retreat leader. Students will examine group dynamics and learn the value of diversity within groups and communities. GPP3O2 can be used as one of the "major" courses of 3 SHSMs: Arts & Culture, Business and Non-Profit. 
Each applicant to this course must fill out an application to be a retreat leader and undergo an interview. Teacher references are also required. Applications are due in February during course selection time.

How to become a Retreat Leader 1


HRE4M2: Religious Education - Church & Culture (Retreat Leadership Option)

This course has the aim of assisting students in understanding themselves as moral persons living the way of Christ through an examination of ethical theories, the revelation of Sacred Scripture, and the experience and teaching of the Catholic Church. While grounded in Revelation, the course also examines the contributions of Philosophy and the sciences to a Catholic understanding of ethics and moral living. Students will explore their own ethical and moral stance through an examination of various arenas of life such as issues of justice and peace, freedom, reconciliation, family, marriage and political life. This course is intended to prepare the senior student for the lifelong task of discerning what is good and of God while growing in their ability to live accordingly as moral persons and active, life-giving members of a global society. Special attention is given to the interaction between the Church and culture. The modern world is characterized by a multiplicity of values, philosophies, and ideologies. In a democratic, pluralistic society, these concepts may creatively reinforce one another or they may compete with and contradict one another. In their role as retreat leaders, students should expect to develop and implement equitable and inclusive community building strategies based on every Christian's call to follow Jesus Christ, to believe in the redemptive love of God for humankind and to proclaim and incarnate the reign of God as inaugurated by Jesus Christ. This course is designed for students who are currently and actively involved as Retreat Leaders in our school community.

Only students who were Retreat Leaders in Grade 11 may apply for this course. Students who are going to be Grade 12 Retreat Leaders should take this course. It is highly recommended that students taking Grade 12 University English take Mixed (M) level Religion.


Contact Us 

For more information, please see Ms. M. Bosetti (Chaplain) or Ms. C. Minardi (Chair of Religion).