Course Selection, Levels and Calendar

Course Selection is an important component of Secondary and Post-Secondary Pathways Planning. 

Course calendar

St. Mary offers a wide selection of courses at many different levels. Students and parent/guardians can access our COURSE CALENDAR (courses offered and descriptions) online using myBlueprint. DCDSB's Pathways to Success guidebook and our Pathway Programs page is also valuable resources for Secondary Pathways Planning.

Courses offered for 2025-2026

Course Selection for 2025-2026

Guidance Teachers will host course selection workshops in early February. When choosing courses, students should ask themselves the following questions:

  1. Have I selected my courses at the appropriate academic level?
  2. Have I selected the compulsory courses for my grade level? For graduation?
  3. Do I have the necessary prerequisites for my post-secondary pathway?
  4. Are my choices realistic? Do they reflect my level of achievement? Do they reflect my potential?

Course Selection Forms and Activity Fees are due THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20th, 2025

The following items are required for course selection submission:

As you plan your courses for next year, do not hesitate to contact your Guidance Teacher via Edsby to have your questions answered! 

Thank you,
Your Guidance Team 

Pre-Advanced Placement Application (Math MPM2DA & English ENG2DA) for 2025-2026

Pre-Advanced Placement Application (Math MPM2DA & English ENG2DA) for 2025-2026

Destreamed Grade 9 Math (MTH1W1), Science (SNC1W1), English (ENL1W1) and Geography (CGC1W1)
  • Ontario’s Minister of Education announced that Grade 9 Mathematics will be destreamed across the province, beginning September 2021. The Ministry has now shared the course code. The new course title and code is as follows: Mathematics, Grade 9 (MTH1W). 
    Grade 9 Academic Math (MPM1D) and Grade 9 Applied Math (MFM1P) will no longer be offered and have been removed from My Pathway Planner (myBlueprint); they have been replaced with Mathematics, Grade 9 (MTH1W).​ Locally Developed Mathematics (MAT1L) will continue to be offered.
  • Ontario’s Minister of Education announced that Grade 9 Science will be destreamed across the province, beginning September 2022. The Ministry has now shared the course code. The new course title and code is as follows: Science, Grade 9 (SNC1W)
    Grade 9 Academic Science (SNC1D) and Grade 9 Applied Science (SNC1P) will no longer be offered and have been removed from My Pathway Planner (myBlueprint); they have been replaced with Science, Grade 9 (SNC1W).​ Locally Developed Science (SNC1L) will continue to be offered.
  • Ontario’s Minister of Education announced that Grade 9 English will be destreamed across the province, beginning September 2023. The Ministry has now shared the course code. The new course title and code is as follows: English, Grade 9 (ENL1W1)
    Grade 9 Academic English (ENG1D) and Grade 9 Applied English (ENG1P) will no longer be offered and have been removed from My Pathway Planner (myBlueprint); they have been replaced with English, Grade 9 (ENL1W).​ Locally Developed English (ENG1L) will continue to be offered.
  • Ontario’s Minister of Education announced that Grade 9 Geography will be destreamed across the province, beginning September 2024. The Ministry has now shared the course code. The new course title and code is as follows: Exploring Canadian Geography, Grade 9 (CGC1W1)
    Grade 9 Academic Geography (CGC1D) and Grade 9 Applied Geography (CGC1P) will no longer be offered and have been removed from My Pathway Planner (myBlueprint); they have been replaced with Exploring Canadian Geography, Grade 9 (CGC1W).​
Night and Summer School Registration

For information on courses available and how to register, please make an appointment with your Guidance Teacher. Semester 2 night school courses offered are usually announced in January. Summer school courses offered are usually announced in late March. 

Please visit DCDSB Continuing Education (Archbishop Anthony Meagher) for more information on Night and Summer school.

Cracking the course level code

Secondary school courses are identified with a six character code. The first five characters are consistent throughout every high school in Ontario.

De-coding course codes 

Types of courses

The secondary school curriculum is organized into several different types of courses. In Grade 9 and 10, there are 5 levels: academic, applied, destreamed, locally developed, and open. Knowledge and skills are developed through theory and practical applications in all types of courses.

Academic Level Course (D) 

Students at this level:
  • learn the essential concepts of a subject and explore related materials;
  • emphasis is on theory and abstract thinking as a basis for future learning;
  • students are creative and like to research and problem solve;
  • students are independent learners with good to excellent learning skills; and
  • students who do well in Grade 9 academic have generally performed in the Level 3-4 range.

Applied Level Courses (P)

 Students at this level:
  • learn the essential concepts of a subject;
  • emphasis is on practical and hands-on application of concepts;
  • students are more dependent learners, preferring discussions, teacher-directed or teacher-guided learning and real-life applications;
  • students who do well in Grade 9 applied have generally performed in the Level 2-3 range.

Locally Developed Courses (L) 

Students at this level:

  • learn the most essential concepts of a subject;
  • require teacher direction and instruction to accommodate learning needs and to complete activities;
  • improve basic literacy and numeracy skills;
  • learning skills need improvement or require consistent practice and reinforcement; and
  • students best suited for Locally Developed Courses have previously worked in the Level 1 range.

Open Level Course (O) 

All students at all levels of academic abilities and learning needs and strengths can take an open level course. Expectations are designed to be appropriate for all students. These courses are usually in Art, Business, Physical education, Religion, and Technology.
Destreamed Level Course (W)

The Ministry of Education is removing Academic and Applied courses (de-streaming) in Grade 9 and implementing de-streamed courses.

Grade 9 Mathematics (MTH1W1) (started in September 2021), Grade 9 Science (SNC1W1) (started in September 2022), Grade 9 English (ENL1LW1) are destreamed across the province. 

 "With the introduction of this curriculum, all high school students will take the same math [or science] course in Grade 9 which will allow for the same eventual opportunities for all and an improved ability to pursue the pathway of their choice after their K-12 education" (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2021).  

In Grades 11 and 12, courses are designed and offered to prepare students for post-secondary destinations. These destinations include: Apprenticeship, College, Community Living, University, and the Workplace. In Grades 11 and 12, there are 5 levels of courses: college, open, university/college, university, and workplace.

College Preparation Courses (C)
These courses were developed in collaboration with colleges and are designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to meet entrance requirements for college programs and some apprenticeship programs. These courses emphasize concrete applications of the theoretical material covered in the course and also emphasize the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Open Courses (O)
These courses are designed for all students, regardless of their post-secondary destination. They have been developed to provide students with a broad educational base and prepare students for active participation in society.
University/College "Mixed" Preparation Courses (M)
These courses were developed in collaboration with both universities and colleges, with content that is relevant for both university and college programs. They are designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge that are needed to meet the entrance requirements for specific university and college programs. These courses emphasize both theoretical aspects and related concrete applications of the course content.
University Preparation Courses (U)
These courses were developed in collaboration with universities and are designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to meet entrance requirements for university programs. These courses emphasize theoretical aspects of course content and also include concrete applications.
Workplace Preparation Courses (E)
These courses were developed in close collaboration with representatives form a variety of workplaces. They are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed for direct entry into the workplace or for admission to apprenticeship programs and other training programs offered in the community. These courses include cooperative education and work experience placements within the community and emphasize the development of employment skills, independent research skills and learning skills.

Other types of courses include Transfer Courses, and Advanced Placement (Grade 9 - 12).

Advanced Placement Course (6th digit = A)
Students at this level:
  • meet or exceed a high level of academic achievement (Level 4 or 80%) in a broad array of subjects;
  • are independent, self-directed learners;
  • process information quickly;
  • display intellectual curiosity; and
  • assume responsibility for their own learning.
Transfer Courses
Over the course of your four years in high school, your interests and goals might change as you gain experience and learn about new career options. If this should happen, you will be able to change pathways by taking a transfer course. Transfer courses will be offered for students who wish to change form one course stream to another in the same subject between Grade 9 and 10 (math only).


Timetable Course Request Changes

Course requests changes deadline - first 5 days of semester
Course level changes deadline - first 3 weeks of semester

  • Tuesday September 7, 2020: First day of Quadmester 1
  • Monday November 15, 2020: First day of Quadmester 2
  • Tuesday February 1, 2021: First day of Semester 2
  • Monday February 7, 2021: Deadline for Semester 2 elective course change requests (Grades 11 - 12 only)
  • Friday February 18, 2021: Deadline for Semester 2 course level change requests

Students may pick up a "Timetable Request Change" form from Guidance, complete the form, and submit into Guidance as soon as possible. Students must be aware of the following:

  • All forms must be complete, with appropriate criteria identified and parent/guardian signature included. Forms that do not meet the criteria will not be considered.
  • Changes to electives will only be considered for grade 11 and 12 students interested in a pathway change.
  • Timetable changes will be considered in priority sequence starting with grade 12 students.
  • Students will be called down to Guidance to either receive their new timetable or discuss any concerns. Please listen carefully for your name throughout the day, especially over the lunches!
  • Students in grade 12 may drop a course at any time in the semester up until the first day of academic moratorium each semester. Students will incur full disclosure on their official transcript if course is dropped 5 school days after the midterm report is issued.
  • Students who have attended summer school must ensure timetable reflects the updated information.
  • Requests for specific teachers, spare periods or lunches are not considered.