Deconstructing Anti-Black Racism in the Canadian and North American Context [Interdisciplinary Studies] IDC4U4 - New course for 2021-2022

Posted On Wednesday April 21, 2021

St. Mary is pleased to announce that we are offering a new course!

Course Description: IDC4U4 Interdisciplinary Studies - Deconstructing Anti-Black Racism in the Canadian and North American Context

This Interdisciplinary Studies course will examine and deconstruct the complex nature of anti-Black racism in Canada, and within the broader North American context, through the study of historical oppression, via overt and covert means, as well as the political and social theories around Blackness. Students enrolled in this course will develop their ability to identify, name, and effectively address anti-Black racism and discrimination in its various forms. Furthermore, the course will examine the concept of allyship in partnering in the fight for racial equality. Ultimately, this course will enable students to understand the intergenerational trauma that has been inflicted upon Black people, develop their critical consciousness in understanding issues of equity, in a broader context, and equip students with the tools needed to create and carry out social action initiatives designed to enhance & empower their local community.

This particular course combines all the expectations of the Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 12, University course with a relevant selection of expectations from other disciplines, including: American History (CHA3U); World History Since the Fifteenth Century (CHY4U); Equity & Social Justice From Theory to Practice (HSE4M); Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology & Sociology (HSP3U); Canada: History, Identity, and Culture (CHI4U); World Cultures, (HSC4M)

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If students are interested in adding this course to your course selection for next year, please complete this form or contact your Guidance Teacher.