Semester 2 Exam Schedule (Wednesday June 19th - Tuesday June 25th)

Posted On Thursday June 13, 2024

Formal examinations for grade 9- 12 students will begin on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 through to Monday, June 24, 2024. Exams will be written on a period-by-period schedule, with students writing only one exam per day.

Exam Schedule
Wednesday June 19thPeriod 1 class
Thursday June 20thPeriod 2 class
Friday June 21stPeriod 3 class
Monday June 24thPeriod 4 class
Tuesday June 25thConflict Day/Exam Review - AM
Credit Rescue - PM
  • Students are required to be in FULL UNIFORM during examinations and they are asked to report to their exam locations no later than 9:25 a.m. Exams will begin promptly at 9:35 am (after morning announcements and prayer) and students are dismissed at 12:00 pm.  
  • Students are ONLY to attend school on days when they have a scheduled examination.
  • There will be no scheduled classes after each exam.  Students who remain at school may study in the library or cafeteria.  Students who leave school on exam days before 3:30 pm must sign out with parental permission. 
  • There will be no cafeteria services offered on Exam days.
  • Conflict/Exam Review Day/Credit Rescue will take place on Tuesday June 25, 2024
  • Please ensure that the exam dates above are carefully noted on your own calendars. Students who cannot attend an exam because of illness (or another serious reason such as the death of an immediate family member) must be reported absent before 9:30 a.m. on the morning of their exam and a doctor’s note must be presented to the students vice principal within 24 hours or they may receive a mark of "zero" on their exam.   Vacations or appointments are not a legitimate reason for an exam absence.  Please avoid scheduling vacations or other events during this time that will result in your child missing exams, as this will have an impact on their academic achievement. Please also note that there are many culminating tasks and review activities that take place in the weeks leading up to exams, so absences from school during this time should be avoided.
  • Please click here for "Effective ways to study before exams."

PARENTS PLEASE NOTE: We have attached a copy of the Letter of Permission for early dismissal after exams. Students will also receive a copy of this letter from their homeroom teacher. 

Students will be transported to and from school on all exam days according to the regular bus schedule.  

Conflict/Exam Review/Credit Rescue Day (Tuesday June 25, 2024)
19:30 - 10:05amExam Feedback
210:10 - 10:45amExam Feedback
310:50 - 11:25amExam Feedback
411:30 - 12:05pmExam Feedback
Lunch12:10 - 12:50pmCommon Lunch - No cafeteria service
Credit Rescue12:55 - 3:30pmBy teacher invitation only
Dismissal3:30pmBusses running as regularly scheduled

Morning - Return of Semester 2 classes - 35 minute periods with 5 min travel time 

Morning Expectations 

  • Attendance will be taken for each period
  • Students review exams 
  • Teacher highlights areas of strength and reviews where students struggled and areas for improvement 
  • Students ask questions about exams 
  • Teachers collect all exams  
  • Final marks are NOT given out and will be published on Friday June 28, 2024 via EDSBY
  • Students who do not pass their course will be notified by their course teacher by the last week of June. 


Afternoon Expectations 

  • Students should be notified ahead of time by the classroom teacher if they are invited to Credit Rescue.