Grade 8 Student & Parent Information Session (Virtual) - Tuesday January 11, 2022

Posted On Thursday January 06, 2022

St. Mary Catholic Secondary School welcomes Grade 8 students who wish to attend St. Mary in September 2022 and their parents/guardians to visit the St. Mary webpage on Tuesday January 11th at 7:00pm for our Virtual Grade 8 Parent Information Session. The link to the virtual pre-recorded slide deck/video is posted on Transitioning to High School.

This session is designed to provide parents/guardians and children with important registration information which will assist when registering and picking courses for Grade 9. This event is e a combination of informational materials/presentations as well as an opportunity to learn more about course offerings within each department at St. Mary.
Students from our associate DCDSB elementary schools (Father Fenelon, St. Elizabeth Seton, St. Isaac Jogues, St. Joseph, St. Monica, St. Wilfrid, or Holy Family) and from other local elementary schools are invited to attend. 
Event registration for this evening is not required! Please contact St. Mary Guidance at 905-420-7166 ext 56020 for more information. 
Please also visit > Programs & Services > Guidance > Transitioning to High School for additional resources to prepare for Grade 9. 
Thank you for considering our vibrant Christian community as your child's destination pathway for September 2022!