DSTS Bus Transportation Cards (mTransport)

Posted On Wednesday March 27, 2024

Dear Parents, Guardians and Caregivers of Bus Students:

The Durham Student Transportation Services (DSTS) will be implementing new technology, mTransport, on its 70 passenger buses.

DSTS Transportation cards will allow all involved parties to confirm a student's attendance on a bus and is intended to enhance safety and improve efficiency of services. The addition of DSTS Transportation cards also ensures that students are picked up and dropped off at the right stop. The system instantly alerts the driver if a student tries to get off the bus at an unassigned stop. Each time your child gets on or off the bus, they must register by presenting the DSTS Transportation card to the mTransport tablet device.

Students will be issued their DSTS transportation card his week through their homeroom class. Please ensure they keep it with them and please consider having your child take a screenshot of the QR code located on their personalized DSTS card using their personal electronic device in the event that your child misplaces their card in the future. The cards will be used for attendance on the 70 passenger buses equipped with mTransport tablets starting on April 2nd 2024.

If your student is missing their card, they will still be able to ride the bus but we ask that they inform the main office at the school and visit https://www.dsts.on.ca/mtransport-info to have a temporary card created for use.  Please see attachment below for details.  

Note: Students will be required to keep the Transportation card throughout their transportation years - It will not change annually but will be deactivated once a student is no longer eligible for transportation.  

For any questions or inquiries, please call call 905-666-6395 or contact DSTS at dsts@dsts.on.ca.

Please visit the DSTS website for more information https://www.dsts.on.ca/mtransport-info