Chaplain's Corner (Fall 2018)

Posted On Monday November 12, 2018
Mr. Valookaran
Mr. Valookaran

“To Love and To Serve” (“Amare et Servire”) is the proud motto of St. Mary CSS. It is our rallying cry, our mission statement, and our vocation. It stands an expression of intent and the Christian call to service heard at many a grade-level assembly and homeroom mass. “To Love and To Serve” is, indeed, our motto, one which is seen not only on the walls of our classrooms but is inscribed in our minds and hearts and made visible through the hard work and dedication of St. Mary staff and students.

As Chaplain, I am blessed with many wonderful opportunities whereby I am able to love and serve the St. Mary community. School-wide masses and days of worship are occasions where we are afforded the chance to come together and share in our communal adoration and dedication to Christ while celebrating the incredible diversity and uniqueness of the human person as created in the image and likeness of God.

In particular, the great success of this year’s Thanksgiving Food Drive stands as a testament to the generosity of St. Mary students and parents who stand in solidarity with those less fortunate within our own community.

We also had a successful fundraising event during Halloween by creating a haunter house for students. The money raised will go towards Canadian Jesuits international.

I also welcome opportunities to engage in one-on-one conversations with students and offer spiritual guidance, support, and, if needed, connections with outside agencies. My door is open to all members of the St. Mary community – staff, students, and families – and I am available to help with any issue, big or small.

Of course, as any good Chaplain knows, one man cannot do it all! Our Retreat Leaders truly are the embodiment of “To Love and To Serve”. This group of almost 120 students and several staff members work tirelessly to support our community and the community at large each and every day. Their impact is made possible in large part to the efforts of fourteen dedicated senior students who serve as the Retreat Leader “Core”. The Core and I meet on a weekly basis to discuss their vision for our school and initiatives which are planned, after which Core retreat leaders venture forth and share that information with those which comprise their small group, called a “Colour Group”.

Our goal is to create as many small faith communities as we can, using student leadership. Students are trained to lead these faith focused groups to share with each other the joys and struggles of everyday life in a safe and respectful atmosphere and use that to discern the call of God in their lives and to use that as the prayer material in the group. We already have Eight groups of 14 to 18 students meeting once a week in this initiative. As a result of Circles of care, the students have come up with these major initiatives so far.

1. Educating our community on mental wellness and some of the mental health issues their peers struggle with and need support

2. International outreach: providing opportunities for their peers to be involved in the awareness of global developmental issues

3. LGBTQ issues. Educating the community about the need to become aware of the struggles of students struggling with the above issue

4. Indigenous awareness initiatives especially in the month of October.

5. Unity Group. These students focus their effort on racial equality and education regarding racialized youth and their struggles.

6. Best buddies: a group of students raising awareness of the support need for our Special needs students

7. St. Romero club: Students raising awareness of the contributions and struggles of the Hispanic community.

8. Multi-cultural group: Plans the multicultural night to highlight all the cultures in our community to promote inclusivity and to share the Joys of enjoying multicultural cuisine and cultural entertainment.

9. They are also actively involved in safe school’s initiatives and anti-bullying initiatives

The excellent work done by St. Mary Retreat Leaders is only made possible through the synergy of the Core and their Colour Group; the motivation and enthusiasm exuded by these senior leaders inspires not only the remaining Retreat Leaders but indeed the entire St. Mary Community to look beyond themselves and seek opportunities to show compassion and love.

As the semester continues and the holiday season approaches, I encourage all of you to seek such opportunities, the ones that fill your soul with gratitude, so we may all marvel in our many blessings.

Yours in faith,
Tomy Valookaran, M. Div